👋🏼👋🏼 Hi there! Marcos here, glad you passed by!

Here I write about what I learned about Software Engineering, Technical Leadership, and Technical Growth.

Hi there! 👋🏼

Nowadays I’m working as a Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead. I’m a former Software Engineer at CERN. People from Software Engineering, Tech Lead, and Engineering Management roles, from Startups and medium-sized companies, could find this newsletter interesting for their development and growth. Hoping my journey can help yours.

Subscribe now. I will never use your email address for anything else.

Subscribe for free to receive real-life learnings about Software Engineering, Technical Leadership, and Technical Growth.

📝 Why subscribe?

What can you expect from this newsletter? I will share all my experiences, learnings, and growth, accumulated over +20 years, around:

  • Technical Leadership.

  • Software Engineering and Architecture practices.

  • Acceleration and Growth of tech companies.

When you can get all this? 👇🏻

📆 Publishing schedule

I’m committed to releasing a new issue per week, which could be:

  • 📖 Some readings.

  • 📦 Resources and templates.

  • 🎙️Or a podcast episode.

Special breaks:

  • August. In August, you should not expect any issues delivered, it’s the summer time to get rest and recharge the energy.

  • End of December. During the last 15 days of December, you should not expect any issues delivered

Subscribe now to get the latest issue right into your inbox!

🔖 Best Posts of The Optimist Engineer

🔎 Where you can find me

I’m living in Spain nowadays, and you get in touch with me on the social networks below:

From time to time, I’m able to convince conference organizers to let me share my knowledge with people, like in the Codemotion Madrid or DevOpsDays Madrid.

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Experiences, learnings, and inspiration about Software Engineering, Technical Leadership, and Technical Growth, with a bit of optimism. Interesting for Tech Leads and software makers from Startups to medium-sized companies.


Senior Software Engineer and Tech Lead at Nexthink. Former CERN.